Is LASIK Permanent?
LASIK is a life-changing experience and has been for millions of people worldwide. There is a lot of confusion surrounding the topic of LASIK. One common misconception about LASIK is that you will need to have LASIK again. This is false. LASIK is a permanent solution for vision correction. Unless your vision changes because of […]
September 13, 2018Signs You May be Ready for Cataract Surgery
Many of our patients who are living with cataracts struggle to know when the right time to have cataract surgery is. For some, just the thought of surgery can be frightening. However, if you are no longer able to manage cataract symptoms on your own, it may be time to consider cataract surgery. It’s an incredibly […]
April 20, 20187 Signs You’re an Excellent Candidate for LASIK
You’ve lived with the inconvenience of wearing glasses and contact lenses long enough, and the freedom that LASIK surgery offers has you seriously considering the procedure. You’ve heard conflicting reports of whether or not you’re eligible for LASIK, and don’t want to get your hopes up if you’re not a good candidate. So what is […]
May 3, 20184 Questions You Should Ask Your Cataract Surgeon
We know what a big decision choosing to have cataract surgery is. Anytime you are thinking about surgery it is normal to feel a fear of the unknown. Fortunately, cataract surgery is an incredibly safe and fast procedure. We want to make sure that you are as informed as possible going into the surgery. Here […]
August 15, 2017Common LASIK Myths
You’ve been on the fence for a while about getting LASIK surgery. Sure, you want to see better, but you don’t know exactly what to expect. Once you stop believing some common LASIK myths, you will have a better idea of what to expect with the procedure and can better decide if LASIK is right […]
April 27, 2017What to Expect After LASIK
You are sick and tired of using contacts or glasses to see, so you are considering LASIK. Before you commit to getting eye surgery, you want to know what to expect in the days following the procedure. Then, you’ll be ready to schedule your appointment and move forward with your surgery. Mild Discomfort You can […]
February 27, 2017A Guide to Caring for Your Vision
It’s hard to underestimate how much you depend on your vision throughout your daily life. You use your eyes for everything — when you are driving, reading a book, playing with your children, and cooking dinner. But in spite of how important your eyes are, many people neglect their eyes and don’t take care of […]
October 16, 2017Major Leap in Laser Vision Correction: iDesign and iLASIK at the Laser Eye Center
Millions of people worldwide develop refractive errors that reduce the quality and precision of their vision. Consequently, technology for laser vision correction has been devised to accommodate this health need. Since then, the demand for treatments that improve vision worldwide has never ceased. Millions of people have submitted themselves to laser eye surgery and have […]
March 30, 2016Benefits of Premium Intraocular Lens (IOLs)
As we age, we start to notice many changes in our bodies. One of these changes includes changes in eyesight. One of the most common eye conditions that many people face in their older age is cataracts. Cataracts cause blurry, distorted vision, and in their most progressed state they can cause blindness. This may sound […]
July 29, 2016